New Born Baby Hannah 3 days old
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Thursday, November 02, 2017
By Billie Woods Photography
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In my experience having a newborn baby is not easy. It is however so very blissful. With my job I get to arrive and capture these precious moments in other people's lives. The session is not quick, there are no expected images I need to get, its perfect exactly how it all plays out. I am so happy that Zoë told me ahead of time that she wanted this to happen. These images show you the amazement, the joy, the trials and the practical steps taken in the first few sweet moments of this little Hannah's life.

This was my first view as I walked through the door. Zoë was breastfeeding Hannah and was not going to move one inch while she was doing so. I so remember this feeling.

I happened to be there when the midwife arrived. It was beautiful to feel the relief it brought Zoë. Rebecca the midwife helped Zoë with breastfeeding *which is not easy at first, and answered any of their questions.

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