FaceTime Photo Session
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Monday, January 18, 2021
By Billie Woods Photography
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FaceTime photo shoots?

Have you ever seen at the bottom of a photo on social media "shot on FaceTime"? Like for real its a thing. Obviously a covid baby that is growing into a new culture.

So with every passing week bringing more cancellations of family portraits and weddings I’ve decided instead of sulking in the corner..anymore… that I would jump on board and offer some of these myself. Not a huge money maker nor the quality I am use too but a whole lot of fun! The best part for the subject is you get to become way more involved in the creative process. Your environment of choice but still my eye + knowledge.

So if you feel like you want to try something different, collaborate in a creative process and end up with some unique, personal images of your fine self! book yourself a session by sending an email to billie@billiewoods.com

I want to thank my friend Jenni for bringing this new art form to my attention and the inspiring works of Tim Dunk + Conor Cunningham.

Example Images below to show a bit of the process

1. Shot on the regular camera you use during facetime chat

2. Taken with the filp side of the camera on his iphone *so he can not see himself but its a better camera

3. After a bit of guidance from my end to find the best light and location at the time

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